At Burrows Memorial Baptist Church...
our goal is to provide an atmosphere of loving acceptance, where people can grow spiritually, through a caring fellowship, vibrant worship, constant prayer , and with genuine concern and compassion for the world.
The presence of God can be felt in our worship gatherings. These times are marked with joyful worship, warm fellowship and relevant teachings from his Holy Word. This combination touches the heart and lifts the soul. A closer look will prove that you are surrounded by people just like you - people filled with hopes and fears, joys and sorrows , strengths and weaknesses. The common thread being that we are all committed to growing stronger and wiser through each circumstance.
Together we are working to become like the church we believe Jesus wants us to be - outward focused. So whether you are just beginning your walk with Christ , or a committed believer continuing your walk with him, you can find a home in Burrows Memorial Baptist Church.
The presence of God can be felt in our worship gatherings. These times are marked with joyful worship, warm fellowship and relevant teachings from his Holy Word. This combination touches the heart and lifts the soul. A closer look will prove that you are surrounded by people just like you - people filled with hopes and fears, joys and sorrows , strengths and weaknesses. The common thread being that we are all committed to growing stronger and wiser through each circumstance.
Together we are working to become like the church we believe Jesus wants us to be - outward focused. So whether you are just beginning your walk with Christ , or a committed believer continuing your walk with him, you can find a home in Burrows Memorial Baptist Church.

Expanding the vision...
We are not only the church and body of Christ but we believe our community needs to be served as well. We volunteer at Union Mission to cook meals and desserts, our Youth go on Mission trips around Virginia with the BGAV Impact Mission Camps, and we also find projects to help with in our local area.
Where we are headed...
As we grow and expand our service and church, we hope that others will join us. Helping others find Jesus is our mission, teaching them the Bible is our responsibility, and loving like Jesus in all that we do is our goal. New Christians and old still need to study the Bible. It's how we grow in faith, find our grounding and help us through those rough times when we lose those so special to us. Peace can be achieved. You are loved by God!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.